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Safari Diplodocus


Model Collection

2 in stock


Diplodocus is one of the most famous long-necked dinosaurs. At over 88 ft long from the tip of its snout to the end of its whip-like tail, Diplodocus is as long as three buses. This ground-shaking plant eater occupied North America during the Late Jurassic, about 153 million years ago.

  • Scientific Name: Diplodocus carnegii
  • Characteristics: Diplodocus was a plant eater that had a tiny skull relative to the size of its giant body. It had simple, peg-like teeth for stripping leaves, a long neck, and an especially long whip-like tail. Diplodocus walked on all fours and its front feet had a single claw on the thumb. A row of soft, triangular spines may have extended along the top of its neck, back, and tail.
  • Size and Color: This huge model is 18.5 inches long and 4.5 inches high. It is an eye-catching turquoise on top and cream below.